The Perfect Social Media Post!

Building the Perfect Social Media Post

When it comes to building your brand with the perfect social media post, there is one thing that’s more important than anything else: consistency. With so many different platforms and so much demand for content, it can be hard to keep up with everything. However, if you can find a way to consistently create quality posts over time, you’ll start seeing results in terms of your engagement rate and overall reach. In this article we will outline some of the best strategies to creating great social media content to boost your following & exposure.

Develop a Consistent Brand Aesthetic

Consistency is key when it comes to creating the perfect social media posts. Having a consistent look and feel for your posts makes them easier for your audience to recognize, which will help you build trust as well as stand out from the crowd. You’ll spend less time on each post because you won’t have to worry about creating new images or figuring out what colors work best with your branding scheme. The more you work with a single template the better you’ll get at producing content for that campaign. Once you’ve established a style, consistency will become second nature!

The Foundation of Your Social Media Post

Think about colors, fonts, & filters. The foundation of your social media post is everything. If you don’t start with a solid foundation, then everything else will crumble.

Start by choosing a color scheme that works for you and stick to it. You can use one main color and have other shades of that main color as accents or use multiple colors throughout your feed. The color(s) you choose should match your company branding!

Next, decide on the font that works best for you and choose one that is easy to read but still looks good on camera. Once again this should be consistent across all social media posts within that theme or template so when people see something from your account they instantly recognize it as yours!


Stick to the Plan!

The first step to developing a strategy to produce great social media posts consistently is to create a content calendar. This will help you organize your ideas into themes, so that you can plan ahead for posts, build templates to streamline your workflow, and prepare for those busy holiday seasons in advance.

You should also set goals for your social media metrics—for example, gaining a specific number of followers on Instagram or getting a certain number of likes on Twitter. The most important thing is to be consistent with these goals and constantly strive to reach them.

Your analytics are an invaluable resource in helping you understand what type of content works best with your audience and what doesn’t work at all! You should definitely use them when creating new social media posts; if one post gets great engagement but another doesn’t engage anyone at all then try something new next time around! Check out our article on Why Social Media Analytics is Absolutely Worth It. It’s important not only because it shows what works and what doesn’t work but also because this information can help guide future decisions about campaigns or initiatives.


Create a Social Media Post Strategy that Includes More than Selling!

It’s important to remember that your social media posts are not only for selling. As a brand, you want to use these platforms as a place to share your personality, mission, and create a lasting relationship with your best followers. You also want them to know what makes your business unique and why they should choose you over the competition. Our article on The Value of Having an Engaged Core Community will outline the importance of connecting with individuals who deeply resonate with your businesses core values.

In order for an audience-building campaign on social media to be effective, it must be targeted towards the right people. The first step in this process is knowing who those people are. If there’s no specific target audience in mind, then any attempt at creating content will likely fail because it isn’t relevant enough for anyone outside of that demographic or niche group. Read our article on The Art of Creating Die-hard Fans to learn how you can find, acquire, & retain customers who will stick with you for the longhaul. Once you’ve identified what type of person fits into this bracket, take time researching their lifestyle habits so that when you’re developing ideas later on down the line they’ll feel that your content is worth sharing with others in their social circle!


Use Descriptive Text Overlays on Images

Most brands want their social media post to be as informative and engaging as possible. This often means using descriptive text overlays on images. These are a great way to add context to your photos & videos, which can help you get more engagement because people will understand what’s going on and be more interested in checking out your feed, which in turn will lead them to your product or service.

Descriptive text overlays can also be used to explain what is happening in the image, especially if it shows an action shot. If you’re selling your services online, this can help increase sales by making it clear exactly what the customer is getting! Take a look at Our Pinterest for some great examples of descriptive text overlays on social media posts.


Have Fun!

The perfect social media post is one that’s both beautiful, engaging, and gets your message across quickly & clearly. You want it to look good, but you also want it to be interesting and informative. The best way to do that is by creating a variety of posts that use different images, text overlays, hashtags and more!

There are tons of ways you can mess up your social media post feed—and one of them is by having the same type of image all over your page. If every single post features a photo of someone with their arms crossed in front of them talking into their phone, then people will quickly get bored with looking at the same thing over and over again. Get creative and avoid this problem by using a variety of content including:

  • Pictures with text overlays
  • Videos
  • Multiple types of photos (like landscape vs portrait vs object)


Key Points

Creating the perfect social media post is not hard work when you know what to do! So, let’s outline the social media hacks that will help you become a social media post master.

  • Create a consistent brand aesthetic.
  • Start building the foundation of your social media post.
  • Think about colors, fonts, and filters.
  • Strive to find your die-hard fans.
  • Create a content calendar, set goals, and measure your results.
  • Build a content strategy that includes more than just selling.
  • Use descriptive text overlays on images.
  • Have fun with it!


You Can Do It!

The perfect social media post is one that’s memorable, engaging and maintains relevance over time. That might sound difficult to achieve—but it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategy, you can build better content that resonates with your audience and establishes a positive brand image!