Social Media Analytics – Is It Worth It?

Social Media Analytics are Absolutely Worth It!

The world of social media is constantly changing and social media analytics allows us to track those changes, but it’s not always easy to keep up. And even if you’re keeping up with the latest trends, it’s often hard to know how those changes will impact your business and brand. What’s more, there are so many different aspects of social media that it can be difficult to keep track of them all at once. That’s why analytics are such an important part of growing a successful account: they help you take the pulse of your audience and find out how well your content is resonating with your target audience. In this article, we’ll dive into how you can use analytic data and analytical tools to grow your social media accounts and maximize your conversion rate.

What are Social Media Analytics?

Social media analytics is done by using tools to measure and analyze the performance of your social media accounts. The data collected from analytics helps you understand who is engaging with your content, and how they are engaging with it. Analytics can provide insights as to what type of content is most popular, who is sharing or liking what you post, and even which posts have earned the highest click-through rates.

Analytics can also be used to determine whether or not the paid ads that you have placed on social media networks are working or not. This will allow you to maximize your conversion rate by optimizing these ads based on gathered information from analytics platforms such as Google Analytics.


Why are They Important?

Social media analytics are important because they help you understand what content is performing best, who your audience is, where they’re located, what time of day they’re most active, and what kind of content interests them. Using analytics will also show you which media has been shared and engage with the most. This data can tell you who your ideal customer actually is—it’s not just someone who clicks on a link or visits your Facebook page; it’s someone who purchases from you!

Finally, analytics can reveal if there are any aspects of your company that people don’t like—or even if something might be missing from their experience altogether. While there may not be any easy fixes here (you can’t exactly make customers love having to call customer service), this information can help guide future marketing efforts so that someday soon everything will be perfect enough for your real target market!


Social Media Analytics are One of the Best Ways to Grow Your Accounts.

Using analytics is one of the best ways to grow your social media account. You can use analytics to learn what content will be most engaging for your audience, which will help you create more of that type of content. You can also use analytics to see what kind of posts are getting shared the most, so that you can focus on posting similar things in order to get more shares and likes. Analytics are an important part of determining how to effectively generate leads as well. For more information on what a “lead” is and How to Generate Leads quickly & easily check out this article we published. The key here is learning what works for your audience, so that they keep coming back and interacting with you on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram because they know they’ll enjoy it and, with analytics, you know they will too!

How to Use Analytics.

In order to effectively utilize analytics, you must:

  • Review your social media analytics regularly. This is the most important step in utilizing your data. It’s impossible to make good decisions unless you’re aware of what’s happening on your social media accounts and how it affects your business goals.
  • Adjust as needed. The first step may not always be the most effective one in terms of improving conversion rates and getting more sales from social media traffic. You’ll want to test different strategies and see what works best for your company—and then keep analyzing when necessary so that you can find new ways of growing in this area as well!
  • A/B test different strategies using different tools or methods (such as paid ads vs organic posts). While some companies might prefer one type of ad over another because they’ve had better experiences with it before, others may find success with a completely different method than they’ve tried in the past—so don’t be afraid to try new things!


The Best Tools for Social Media Analytics

  • Google Analytics –

This is the most popular and effective tool for social media analytics. It can be used to measure your traffic, conversions, bounce rates, page views and much more. You can set up goals or conversion funnels with this tool so that you know what content is working best for your audience.

Socialbakers is a powerful suite of tools that allow you to track multiple accounts from a single dashboard at once. Their tools include a Facebook Ads Manager integration so that you can see how many ad impressions and clicks each post gets in real time. You may also see new fan growth charts under the “insights” tab which allow you to compare different posts over time based on their popularity among fans who view them versus those who don’t.

This suite consists of three main components: Campaigns (content performance), Audience (audience insights) and Posts (post-by-post performance). Each component contains different metrics depending on what aspect of your social media efforts you want to focus on – whether it’s engagement rate per campaign or average time spent reading blog articles within 30 days following their release date – Hootsuite Analytics has something available to suit everyone!

  • Shillbirds Social Media Growth Services

Our team here at Shillbirds provides some of the most comprehensive, custom-tailored social media growth programs & strategies that the worldwide web has ever seen. Contact us today for a consultation to begin your free-trial!


What Are You Waiting For?

You may be one of those people that thinks “my business doesn’t need social media”. If that’s you I’m sorry to say it, but you are just plain wrong. Your business does need social media marketing. Every business that aims to be the best they can possibly be needs social media. Check out our article to find out how & why social media marketing is imperative for the success of  any modern day businesses.

Don’t wait any longer, start using social media analytics now and get your accounts on the path to exponential growth today!